fbpx Conference and Training: “Being a lawyer in times of constitutional reckoning” (Horizon 2020, TRIIAL - Trust, Independence, Impartiality and Accountability) | Faculty of Law and Administration

Conference and Training: “Being a lawyer in times of constitutional reckoning” (Horizon 2020, TRIIAL - Trust, Independence, Impartiality and Accountability)


On 18-20 May 2022, the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Gdansk will host a conference and training for judges, prosecutors, legal advisers and advocates offered within the framework of the European Commission-funded project TRIIAL - Trust, Independence, Impartiality and Accountability (Horizon 2020, project no. 853832, JUST-JTRA-EJTR-AG 2018). The conference and training are organised by the faculty members participating in the project: Prof. Tomasz T. Koncewicz (Head of the Department of European Law and Comparative Legal Studies), Dr Anna Podolska ( Department of Human Rights and Intellectual Property Law) and Dr Marcin Michalak (Department of European Law and Comparative Legal Studies).


The event consists of two parts: a conference and a training (workshop). It will be devoted to the role of lawyers in ensuring compliance with the rule of law, interpretation and evolution of the understanding of independence, impartiality and accountability of judges and the principle of mutual trust. In the conference part, distinguished representatives of the doctrine of European and international law and judges from the highest national courts will present their reflections on supranational standards of legal protection and judicial independence and autonomy. In a specially organised panel, members of the legal profession and NGOs will discuss the challenges that lawyers face in ensuring that the rule of law remains the cornerstone of the democratic state of law, the European community of law and a point of reference for every lawyer. In the training part, on the other hand, judges, lawyers and prosecutors will learn about the latest jurisprudence of supranational courts in ensuring judicial independence and impartiality and the mechanisms for using the tools and procedures aimed at ensuring compliance with the rule of law offered by European law.


More information about the event at:


Last modified by: Marcin Wiszowaty
Created by: Sławomir Dajkowski
Last modified: 
2022, May 20 - 4:30pm