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Erasmus+ outgoing procedure

Last modified: 
2021, March 15 - 1:07pm

Qualification procedure for Erasmus+ for students of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Gdańsk - basic information.


The qualification procedure for Erasmus+ at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Gdańsk has the form of competition. The basic information about the procedure for selecting Erasmus scholarship holders is detailed below. The qualification procedure is stipulated in detail in the Regulations of the Erasmus+ qualification procedure for students of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Gdańsk.


Each year, at the beginning of the second (spring) semester at the latest, the opening of the qualification procedure is announced on the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Gdańsk website and in the Erasmus display case.


STAGE I. The candidate shall submit the following documents collected in a punched plastic sleeve:

  1. a correctly completed and printed qualification form which is available on the Faculty's website. The first page of the form should include the application for the qualification procedure addressed to the Dean, as well as the part concerning the grades average filled in by the dean's office employee,
  2. a photocopy of each document certifying the knowledge of foreign languages, certified as true copies by an authorized employee of the Dean's office of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Gdańsk. A photocopy of each document certifying the achievements which are subject to evaluation listed in §8 point 3 of the Regulations and which the candidate refers to in the qualification form for inspection by the Commission assessing the Candidate.
  3. A Candidate (who is in a difficult financial situation) applying for additional social support for the mobility from the funds of the Erasmus+ programme attaches the current (valid) decision on granting them benefits from the University of Gdańsk Student and Doctoral Student Scholarship Fund (social benefit).
  4. for doctoral students: a detailed plan of research conducted within the framework of a doctoral dissertation in preparation, together with a justification of the choice of an academic centre in relation to the subject of scientific interests and an opinion of the promoter concerning the impact of the programme participation on the Candidate's scientific development.

After the submission of documents is completed, they are subject to evaluation by the Commission in terms of their form and substance. At this stage, the Candidate is awarded points for: grades average (35-50 points), the lecture language of the university which they apply to (0-30 points) and for the additional language (0-5 points). The number of points for languages is awarded according to the table attached to the abovementioned Regulations.

In STAGE I the Candidates may obtain a total of 35 to 85 points. Based on the points awarded, the Commission establishes the ranking list for each language and decides how many candidates with the highest number of points will be admitted to the next stage.

STAGE II. The Commission sets an interview date for the Candidates. The subjects of the Commission's interview with the Candidate is the current course of studies, the Candidate's activities and achievements, as well as the Candidate's motivation to go to a specific university, including the influence of the mobility at a specific partner university on further scientific development of the Candidate. The interview is held in Polish.

The Commission evaluates each Candidate in stage II by awarding 0 to 35 points.

The final number of points gained by the Candidate during the entire qualification procedure is defined as the sum of points from stages I and II. The Commission prepares a ranking list of candidates according to the points gained for each language group.

If a person is eligible to go to more than one university, the Commission only grants them one place according to the priority order indicated by the Candidate in the qualification form.

If there are more applicants than the number of places available for a given partner university, the Commission shall publish a reserve list of those not qualified for any stay. The order of places on the reserve list is determined by the number of points gained.

The Commission may leave vacancies, it may also disqualify a Candidate if: their grades average is below 3,50, they have received fewer than 10 points for a foreign language (language of lecture), and have received fewer than 61 points in total during the recruitment procedure.

The Commission prepares the Report on the qualification procedure and submits it on behalf of the Dean to the University of Gdańsk International Cooperation Office.

Note! The qualification of the Student for the mobility by the Dean (the Selection Commission) is not tantamount to obtaining a grant and leaving. The Commission on behalf of the Dean only selects candidates for the programme, allocates places and agrees to the student's participation in the scholarship. However, the successful completion of the mobility depends on the settlement of the current course of studies, including a positive passing of the (spring) exam session before leaving for the scholarship, completion of all formalities by the Candidate, of which they are further informed by the International Cooperation Office of the University of Gdańsk, including in particular completing and sending appropriate forms, providing the right documents and, above all, signing the exchange contract. Funding for the exchange may also be limited by factors beyond the control of the University of Gdańsk, including the level of funding received for the programme from the National Erasmus Agency for the next academic year, which is not known at the time of closing the recruitment protocols (for detailed information, please contact the University of Gdańsk International Cooperation Office).


Note! One of the necessary conditions for signing the contract is to provide the Learning Agreement signed by the Faculty Erasmus Coordinator and the Dean at the indicated date before departure. The student is required to agree with the Faculty Coordinator on selected courses that they will take during their scholarship and to obtain a signature by the end of June in the academic year preceding the mobility. After this date, Learning Agreement will not be signed, which may result in the inability to leave. If the partner university requires other documents with a necessary signature of the Faculty Coordinator or the Dean, the signature must also be obtained by the end of June.




The project is financed by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange